Show Record

Working Trial Champion (WTCH)
AKC/ASCA Champion
NiteStar's Patti Page, AKC/ASCA CD, RN, DNA-VP 


Picture Taken July 22, 2007   

Trisha Herring
Fort Valley GA 31030-7212 


17 January 2004, Greater Atlanta ASC, Best Opposite Sex Puppy (16 puppies)
Judge: Ms. Janet White
9 October 2004, Greater Atlanta ASC, Reserve Winners Bitch (4 pt Maj)
Judge: Mr.
Tom Kilcullen
16 October 2004, Volunteer State ASC, Winners Bitch (4 pt Maj), Best of Winners and Best of Breed (over Specials) (Her 1 yr Birthday)
Judge: Mr. Les Alberti (AKC Judge)
17 October 2004, Volunteer State ASC, Winners Bitch (4 pt Maj), Best of Winners and Best of Breed (over Specials)
Judge: Ms. Suzanne Kinman (ASCA Provisional Judge)
24 October 2004, A Southern Tradition ASA, Reserve Winners Bitch (3 pt Maj)
Judge: Ms. Nikki Hengy (ASCA Breeder Judge)
19 January 2005, Greater Atlanta ASC, Winners Bitch (3 pt Maj), Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex (over Special)
Judge: Ms. Joni Johnson (ASCA Breeder Judge) 
20 January 2005, Greater Atlanta ASC, Winners Bitch (2 pt), Best of Opposite Sex
Judge: Mr. Les Alberti  (AKC Judge)
4 April 2005, USASA National Specialty, 3rd Place
Judge: Paula McDermid
14 April 2005, Peach Blossom Cluster,  Winners Bitch (4 pt Major), Best of Opposite Sex
Judge: Ms. Linda C. More  (AKC)
15 April 2005, Peach Blossom Cluster,  Reserve Winners Bitch (4 pt Major)
Judge: Mr. Robert H Slay  (AKC)
21 May 2005, Florida Pan-Handlers ASC, Winners Bitch (4 pt Maj), Best of Winners 
Judge: Ms. Gail Karmelgos (ASCA Sr Breeder Judge) 
New ASCA Champion!!!
22 Oct 2005, SSASC Nationals Pre-Show,  Premiere Winner
Judge: Glenda Stephenson  (ASCA)
24 Oct 2005, FASA Nationals Pre-Show,  Premiere Winner
Judge: Cathy Davis  (ASCA Sr Breeder Judge)
10 Nov 2005, Huntsville KC,  Reserve Winners Bitch
Judge: Mr. Thomas Kilcullen  (AKC)
11 Nov 2005, Huntsville KC, Winners Bitch (2 points), Best of Winners 
Judge: Ms. Nancy Liebes (AKC) 
18 Nov 2005, Lumberton KC,  Winners Bitch (1 point), Best Of Winners
Judge: Mr. Joseph Gregory  (AKC)
19 Nov 2005, Lumberton KC, Winners Bitch (1 point), Best Of Winners
Judge: Ms. Janet Robinson (AKC) 
20 Nov 2005, Fayetteville KC, Winners Bitch (1 point), Best Of Winners
Judge: Ms. Shirley Uphouse (AKC) 
26 Nov 2005, Greater Monroe KC, Winners Bitch (2 point), Best of Winner/Best of Breed
Judge: Dr. Harry Smith 
27 Nov 2005, Greater Monroe KC, Winners Bitch (1 point), Best of Winner/Best Opposite Sex
Judge: Mr. George Murray
3 February 2006,  Sawnee Mountain KC, Winners Bitch (5 point Major)
Judge: Ms. Michele Billings (AKC) 
New AKC Champion!!
2 September 2006, 1st Place Started Cattle, 3rd Place Started Sheep, 3rd Place Started Ducks
Judge: Steve Shope
9 September 2006, 1st Place Started Sheep, 1st Place Started Ducks, High In Trial Started
Judge: Bob Blount  New Titles: Started Ducks & Sheep (STDds)!!
11 May 2007, Patti Qualifies for her Working Trial Champion - Wahoo - Thank you Dave Clayton of Sunfire for your training and trialing of Ms. P
27 July 2007, Pattie Qualifies for first Novice Obedience and Novice Rally Legs
28 July 2007, Pattie Qualifies for second Novice Obedience and Novice Rally Legs
29 July 2007, Pattie Qualifies for her AKC Companion Dog (CD) Title, due to a conformation conflict we missed her last Rally class on Sunday
24 August 2007, Patti Qualifies for her Rally Novice title with a perfect score of 100 and a second place!!

Goals             Ali              Rose                Amber             Brandy

Patti           Little Stars   

Litters         Wins         Herding       Agility            Links 

 Finding A Reputable Breeder

Puppy Questionnaire             

ASCA Breed Standard                                     Rainbow Bridge          


Page Last Updated: May 19, 2016